Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Prognosticator of prognosticators

My three year old daughter has some trouble with extended periods of time. She knows Mommy's birthday is after Daddy's birthday, so since Daddy's birthday is over now, today must be Mommy's birthday.

So this morning she was talking about how we needed to make a card and get a birthday cake for my wife, and we told her that today was not Mommy's birthday. She's very big on calendar numbers now, so she asked, "Oh, what day is Mommy's birthday? 48?"

At first we started to say no, but then realized that she may be more right than we knew. My wife's birthday is February 15. So add 15 days in Feb to 31 days in Jan, to the two days left in Dec. Yeah, that adds up to 48.

Next thing you know, she'll be wearing Limburger cheese hats.

-The Krunchy Krab

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