Now, correct me if I'm wrong (and I hope I'm not wrong because I know the math to calculate the dynamic motion of the sugar molecules as I'm stirring them into the boiling water) but if you cut 1 inch Jigglers out of a 13x9 inch pan, you will get 117 Jigglers.

Now look at the second line - "Makes 24 servings (1 piece each)" Does that make any sense to anyone else?
Ok, so I've come to a few possible conclusions about their meaning:
1) This means that there are 24 servings left for the adults after leaving the pan on the counter in the presence of 2 teenage boys for 1.5 minutes. Seems unlikely that they would leave 24 servings... my guess would be 3.
2) The person writing the top half of the instructions has an obsessive compulsive disorder where they are inclined to divide all numbers by 4.875. This also seems unlikely since it doesn't take anywhere close to 48 minutes 45 seconds to prepare the Jigglers.
3) The instructions are written for preparation on earth, and to be consumed at warp speed, where the theory of general relativity states that 117 Jigglers will appear to be 24 Jigglers as you approach the speed of light. Surprisingly, of the three conclusions I've reached, this one makes the most sense.
Therefore, the only possible conclusion we can draw from this is that Jello is from aliens, and the Men in Black movies are real. I wonder how many times I've been flashy-thinged.
-The Krunchy Krab